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Semi-Permanent Eye Treatments

Semi-permanent eyeliner eliminates the need to apply eyeliner with makeup, and can be done on the upper and lower lash line. This treatment helps to frame your eyes and makes eyelashes appear darker and fuller. 


Book a virtual or face to face consultation with our semi-permanent make-up artist Andra.

Lashline Enhancment

This treatment is subtle and the most sought-after, as it suits all eye shapes, all age groups and it’s appropriate for all occasions. It is done by drawing an extremely thin line that blends into the lashes and gives an appearance of fuller lashes and naturally defined eyes.

Baby Feline Eyeliner

The line starts at the first lash in the inner corner and ends with the last lash at the outer corner of the eye, with a very small wing. It is not suitable for very mature skin. This treatment is subtle but more visible than the lashline enhancement.

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